
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Conspiracy of the Household Devices

There’s an everyday battle in life that we fight.
It can be with the TV or an overhead light
or a malfunctioning toaster, a dead microwave,
a washer unbalanced,
a frig on the blink,
stopped up toilet,
clogged up sink.
There’s an everyday battle like a conspiracy you see,
purposed to frustrate and torment me.
Computer goes slowly, won’t give us our stuff,
our info, our downloads,
if that isn’t enough,
our phones cut out promptly as we just thought of our thought,
and the door hits my head when I load groceries I bought.
The CD player won’t work, no sound on the laptop
an odd quirk.
Plug in the external keyboard and then
Words are not scrambled and I can write again.
The fax is possessed and has a mind of its own,
Don’t tell the dryer it is all alone.
It’s maybe the only invention that works
without  fighting me in bits and spurts.
So I tried to mop and it came apart in my hand.
I need to do something to take a stand.
Gotta’ do this housework whether “they” want to assist me or not.
They’ll see the junk man if they don’t give what they’ve got.
I’m even battling the coffee pot!
Why can’t our devices respect us I ask?
Working forever completing their task?

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