
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sweet Gladys Louise

Sweet Gladys Louise went off to the store and could not remember her list any more,

so she walked in circles up and down the rows,

following her instincts...following her nose.

"Why am I here, what must I buy?" She said as she held her head down giving  a  sigh.

Her "rememory" was faulty and her walking was slow ,

Always cloudy on details, when on the go.

'Til one day  she was quite surprised,

She found a note and realized,

The list she wrote one month prior

was still in her pocket right there to surprise her.

She used that list and wiped her tears,

and continued to use it for many years.

If you are like Gladys Louise never change,

One list will do it so you won't feel strange.

She lived her life the same as same can be,

and lived in peace for years happily.

She was a one list lady and I think that is smart

because it dried her tears and brought peace to her heart.

So is the tale of Gladys Louise...don't lose your list dear and try not to sneeze.

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