
Saturday, April 28, 2012

 Poem Thirty
The most difficult word in the world is "NO". 
We have to say it wherever we go,
but people want yes, or okay or I will, but "NO" is needed even still.
We have to be negative once in awhile...can't always be affirmative or have a big smile.
Sometimes firmness with a "NO" is correct,
but not exactly what people expect. 
A "NO" can bring final peace now and then.
A yes can start things all over again.


Poem Twenty-Nine

My Dear Mrs. Jones

Dear Mrs. Jones,
 I regret to say your cat climbed up a tree today and I climbed up too to save him you see...but he climbed up further and hissed at me. Oh Mrs. Jones your dog got out, I tried to chase him but he ran about...growling and barking so much at me...first the cat then the dog hating me. Oh Mrs. Jones your roses are down...a truck came by quickly, ran them into the ground. The neighbors were noisy and the police came too, after the robbery...what must we do?  Oh MRS JONES it rained today...flooded your porch and the road by the way. We had a bit of a scare you might say when the explosion occurred and the tree hit the lot and the land opened up and the neighbor got shot. Oh MRS. JONES! Come back from your trip...I can't watch your house for I've broken my hip when I fell in the hole and slipped on the step...OH MRS. JONES how I regret...nothing has happened the way we had planned.

Most Respectfully,
Your Yard Man

Poem Twenty-Eight

Wishing for Peaceful Moments

Birds chirping,  wind blowing, a distant train,
and summer rain.

Flowers bloom, cats purr, cows moo,
life anew.

The ocean  tide swishes over the sand,
Wishing to hold shells in my hand.

The sky is blue in this wish of mine,
hope for peace and all to be fine.

A dog's waggy tail, a favorite song to sing,
wishing for moments,  a peaceful Spring.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Poem Twenty-Seven


Sadness came one day when,
a problem occurred with my dear friend,
we tried to render first aid and then,
the problem returned all over again.

I miss my friend as the resting begins.
How will I get by without my friend?

My thoughts are on the friend I crave,
my hard working little microwave
needs some work for me to save.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poem Twenty-six

Go Out and Play on a Sunny Day

Squeaky dog ran out to play,
met Barky dog one sunny day.

Woof dog came to join the fun,
GRoWLy dog made problems
for everyone.

Yap Yap Chihuahua scared GRoWLy away
 then everyone resumed their fun and play.

Waggy Tail brought Doby Doberman over
and created a club for Doby the Dober.

So here's wishing you have a "Doggy Day",
without any GRoWlies to ruin your play.

If you act like GRoWLy and have a GRoWLy face,
you will lose friends and your happy place.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Poem Twenty-Five

Make New Rhymes

The complexity of life can be frozen frame by frame,
images and scenes recorded in journals and photos,
spoken words too it seems.

We record CDs and sound  bytes,
we hold data on USBs,
trying to retain the moments
that flew away with the breeze.

We can only capture what was,
yet so much waits to be,
and in a blink of an eye the past has gone you see.

Even the devices can fail us,
the photos destroyed,
the images lost,
gone away.
So let us  be happy, do  what we can,
and treasure each and every day.

Love one another, enjoy your life, set aside any anger
and banish strife.

Set goals, dream dreams, discover new things,
and try not to waste any time,
Today is waiting, welcome it,
Enjoy it and make new rhymes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poem Twenty-Four


The counsel of a good friend helps ease the troubled mind,
and comfort comes when wisdom is spoken, love is shown,
words are kind.

We need to help each other when this life brings trials and tests,
and when we get wise answers our mind is much at rest.

Do not fret or worry when confusion comes with pain,
the love of the Lord and a few good friends will be there to help you
once again.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Poem Twenty-three

Trying to Diet

Strawberry banana,
orange delight,
chocolate caramel,
cake that's just right.

Chocolate chip cookies,
cheesecake too,
throw in pecan pie,
that's what we do.

Now it's time to declare war against these.
Go on a diet, roll up my sleeves,
get out and walk,
and eat well and then...
Lose lots of weight,
over again.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poem Twenty-Two


Be careful who you criticize,
be careful what you say,
for words go out quite powerfully and
form your path or day.

Be careful what you wish my friend,
be careful where you go.
Your choices will determine your path of life and so...

Be cautious how you treat someone
and do not give advice,
for people don't often receive things well
it's like a "toss of dice".

Some take bits of what you said and twist it with another,
they say you said, but all the while it was the words of others.

It's better to be still sometimes,
wise as a fox  too,
commit no crime with the words you voice or the path you took..
try and "write a brand new book".

Listen first be watchful too,
be careful what you say and do.

Do what's right be slow to speak,
use wisdom , and be always meek.

I tell you this to bring you peace,
hoping your joy will never cease.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Poem Twenty One

Fury then Hope

A strong wind blew in yesterday and the tree branches whipped the fence
and rain pounded, hammered, drenched all things around,
and I witnessed these violent events.

Sometimes it feels like someone is angry,
when nature's fury comes suddenly...Why?
Sometimes  it feels like we're punished by the wind and the hail from the sky.
 As quickly as the storm comes it also departs
leaving a signature behind ,
and we rejoice for the rain for the flowers and "green grass" and then
have peace of mind.

Life will always, suddenly bring  storms to you and to me.
Remember this truth that the blooms will follow and the peace will come and be.

It's a brand new day  when the wind is gone and the sun reappears in the sky,
and the song bird will sing and our faith will then bring hope as we travel through life.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Poem Twenty


Some of us may write our goals and say them every day.
Dream about, hope and then, know just what to say.

Some of us don't take that path.
We make a note or two,
get up and drink our coffee and get to work by two.

Some of us are "scatter shot" trying many things.
Plan one comes on Monday and we work with what it brings.

So we wish you much success my friends whatever work you do.
Try to plan with wisdom, make goals, create be new.

May all those you meet be friendly,
may you prosper and find peace,
may your health be good, your life be long, your business thrive,
always be strong,
 and may you sleep and rise to say,
"Only good will come my way."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poem Nineteen

Back When

It was a lovely little place,
she wore a smile on her face,
she raised farm animals and geese for their down.

Her garden was grand.
She made many things from hand,
and people never saw her frown.

The grape vine was old,
she made jelly we're told.
Her gladiolas were prize winners too.

Potatoes were stored on the cellar room floor,
always sorted by old and by new.

It's amazing to me how she lived life back when.
A war brought rationing and grief.

She labored with love, did hard work with her hands
and survived strong with  faith and belief.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Poem Eighteen

New Beginnings

Sittin' here dreamin'
drinkin' coffee feelin' fine,

What will the boss say in the meeting at nine?
or was that ten that the day will begin?

New beginnings learnin' much
writin' down notes to stay in touch,
drivin' a lot , singin' a song,
hopin' customers will come along.

Trustin' the Lord all will be right,
workin' hard...some learnin' by day,
some learnin' by night.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Poem Seventeen

Growing Older Seems this Way

The days  go  faster,
the nights seem shorter,
information  passes  over my head,

I write notes to myself all day long,
and the day ends ..then  time for bed.

People have changed, the world has changed,

Technology is ruling now,
But me....I'm still the me,
that I need to be,
and everything else changed somehow.
Day Sixteen


'Rumblings of Spring thunder
 first distant and mysterious
then a sudden booming under the night sky
that has  many clouds.

The sky is beginning a light show
with sound so very loud.

We watch the droplets begin and the  noisy booms travel
closer still.

The sky is full with sound and now the rain falls on the ground.
The rivers rise, the people warn
"Everyone take cover from the storm!"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Fifteen
Old Time Adventure

'Stepped into a wonderful antique shop,
It was more than resale or "old finds"
It was a treasury of lives and memories,
and history of various kinds...
old paintings and photos, clothing and hats,
furniture, toys, dishes... yes all of that.

Each item told a wonderful story,
so much from long ago,
like flash cube cameras and a Chatty Cathy doll and tin
ceiling tiles and that's not all,
old furs and rings, jewelry and quilts and beautiful items galore.

Oh such a wonderful visit,
to a quaint little antique store.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day Fourteen


Sing 'till your heart swells with gladness.
Move, dance, sway and spin with delight.
Enter a realm without sadness
and sway with the breeze in the night.

Envision a future that is hopeful.
Turn away from despair and pain.

Lift up your voice ,
take time to rejoice ,
Sing with gladness, a new refrain.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday's Poem the Thirteenth

 The Struggle of Not Rhyming (on Rhyme Time)

"Tis a struggle  to write verse yet not rhyme it
bringing  imaginative awareness with emotion
minus  the musical rhythm of the lines in each stroke of the pen.

The story continues...

'Tis  a struggle to leave out the lilt, the rhythmical swing and flow,
cadence of a happy line.

The tree bends and sways in the wind, birds chirp special  songs we all
enjoy and love.

Water laps the shore, whooooosh...
and we hear a rustling in the grass and bush and the symphony plays for us.

Music and rhythm  surrounds us with the cat's purr, the bees buzzing, the dog's pant
and voice as the woodpecker brings the percussion.

Oh yes...
'Tis  a struggle  to write verse yet not rhyme it, the song does not play with each line.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day Twelve

We Need to Write

Turn on the music,
pick up your  pen,
and let your creative writing begin.

Soaring first to the past memories and too,
dream of the future or write about you.

Write about grandpa and write about then,
be a time traveler over again.

Jump to the future listing visions and dreams
hopes and plans and creative scenes.

Always remember to record times from the past
so the next generation has history that lasts.

They need the truth in detail about what was happening back then,
before carving a future they must know where we've  been.

They need to know about love for each other and
Grandma's pie and their soldier brother.

Tell about ancestors on the boat coming here,
don't leave anything out make it all clear.

Then write about you and record all your dreams,
record your inventions and create many scenes,
so readers will travel soaring through the years,
experiencing laughter, experiencing past tears.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Eleven

Sleep is Meant to Be

In that quiet hour when sleep is meant to be,
instead I hear the tap drip,
the fan tick tick,
appliances buzz,
dog bark,
husband snore,
and then my  mind races all the more.

Then there is that board that creaks,
or a car door slam, and I imagine someone kicking
down the door jam.

I  calm myself , roll over and then,
hope the sounds will not begin again.

This time I go to the list in my head and the
dos and don't s and the things I dread,
that are coming tomorrow,
that I forgot today,
but I'll never get sleep unless I think them away.

Then I reason with  my eyes closed but   jump out
of bed and write it all down to erase it from my head,
and hope that tomorrow won't be like today
as I write a note to myself and say,

"This is the quiet hour in which I should sleep!"
And house...don't you dare make another peep.

I am weary and tired and its time for bed
laying my pen down, nodding my head.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day Ten

Chirping Sounds

Birds are chirping loudly in the morning sun.
Is it a ritual of Spring or has a party begun?

Are they announcing who won the early bird worm fest,
or simply announcing another new nest?

What  is causing  this happy chirping?
Well, we will just say...
"We are thankful for Spring and the dawn of a new day".

The sky is gorgeous, the roses in bloom,
the trees fully green now,
Summer will be here soon.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day Nine


If you're feelin' kinda sleepy,
and you're not quite up to par,
and your cereal has no sugar,
'cause there's none in the sugar jar,
and your strawberries are spoilin'
and your bread has gone stale,
then you need to fry some eggs today
and change the "bad luck" tale.

Heat up the coffee,
get out the pan,
and scramble a couple eggs if you can.

Then sip on your coffee, wake up and say,
 Ahhh this is good...
It will be a nice day.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 8-Sunday


Beautiful day,
the people pray,
Resurrection story,
the people give Him glory,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day Seven

A Texas Wonderful Day

One day a good friend called me and asked, " Would you like to get away?"
We'll see the beautiful bluebonnets and have a wonderful day.

I accepted her invitation and we drove to the country side and saw thousands of
beautiful blooms there on that Saturday ride.
  We visited quaint little antique shops with two other friends we know and
took photos of animals, ate lunch together,

And so.....

If you ever need to just get away and
forget the stress and enjoy the day,
go riding in the countryside with  dear friends by your side.

Enjoy the bluebonnets and the wind in your hair,
You'll feel refreshed and if you dare....
Go paint a painting or make a rhyme,
To illustrate that you had such a good time.

Friday, April 6, 2012

 Day 6
Waking Up

that time of day when people stretch and yawn,
decide their breakfast, fix their face, pick out clothing, get in the race
of the traffic flow and plans of the day,
yes...Dawn starts all that and the people say, "Why did Dawn come so early today?"

Tomorrow will be better, you just wait and see.
Tomorrow will go smoother for you dear, and for me.

We will get it right tomorrow and at the setting of the sun,
we will pat our backs in unison and say we did it ! Job well done,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day Five

A Better Day

Today please upload happiness,
delete confusion and distress,
add new software of joy and peace,
save the page that brings release.

Click on goodness,
click on grace,
read them through and don't erase.

Download newness, make some friends,
spread the happiness so joy never ends.

Go find music and sing me a song,
then this day won't be so long.

Forget about sickness and forget all despair,
help the hurting over there.

Find some work you're able to do,
reach out,..extend help....rebuild...and renew!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day Four

Tornadoes hit Dallas,
trucks flew through the air,
devastation resulted ...over there,
grounded planes, houses lost their tops,
looting suspected but the storms did not stop.

They traveled north eastward and south
"training down"; people alerted from town to town.

It was said storms did travel all through the night..
many broken buildings but residents reported...alright.
A care home had injuries but all residents moved out,
"So much lightning the people cried out!"

They look to the future to pick up the pieces
even though the reporters have new releases..
they say future storms may be on their way.
It's the rainy season approaching May.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day Three

Quiet Night

Narrow are the ribbons of silvery light,
Shining through a picket fence in the quiet night.

 As the night time gentle breezes blew,
my mind traveled  far to thoughts of you.

Are you resting quietly and did you have a good day?
If I call you tomorrow, what will you say?

I am near a cobblestone path in the shadows of night.
It is my prayer that you are alright, so
rest my friend in the quiet of night.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day Two

Cloudy, windy, rainy skies,
Awakened me to my surprise,
Day Two poem in front of me,
What will the events of this day be?
Will I win a lottery?

Nothing certain, nothing gained, if I
stay at home on a day that rained,
but tucked inside my room creating,
makes life oh so fascinating.

In my imagination here,
I travel the world both far and near.
I can seek a job, or visit a friend,
Or write and create without an end.
Creating a tapestry in my mind,
to share my thoughts of the "creative"  kind.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A First
  by Linda Birkline

Tis a difficult thing to write a poem online,
but I need to write thirty and make them all rhyme,
and this first one is a latecomer at 10:50 p.m. you see,
so it has to be hurried, and is a challenge for me.
So, here is  the starter, of a 30 day run,
and more rhymes will come from sun to sun.
Visit me daily...and watch poems appear...
As I travel in my imagination for a month out of the year.


Hello. I created this  blog page to write poetry and share with my friends as part of a challenge. I hope you enjoy my work and I welcome comments.