
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Eleven

Sleep is Meant to Be

In that quiet hour when sleep is meant to be,
instead I hear the tap drip,
the fan tick tick,
appliances buzz,
dog bark,
husband snore,
and then my  mind races all the more.

Then there is that board that creaks,
or a car door slam, and I imagine someone kicking
down the door jam.

I  calm myself , roll over and then,
hope the sounds will not begin again.

This time I go to the list in my head and the
dos and don't s and the things I dread,
that are coming tomorrow,
that I forgot today,
but I'll never get sleep unless I think them away.

Then I reason with  my eyes closed but   jump out
of bed and write it all down to erase it from my head,
and hope that tomorrow won't be like today
as I write a note to myself and say,

"This is the quiet hour in which I should sleep!"
And house...don't you dare make another peep.

I am weary and tired and its time for bed
laying my pen down, nodding my head.

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